Art of Undiscipline

creative & life coaching


An Artist & Person with Their Shit Moderately Together

Photo portrait of Sam, a short-haired white femme wearing sunglasses and a purple vintage dress with rose print and a pleated skirt. Very fly.

I coach on money, success, grief, disability, neurodivergence, abolition, family, and—through it all—fostering a resilient AF creative practice.

I’ve been an educator, manager, tutor, trainer—in every role, I found myself avoiding telling people what they should do and, instead, empowering them to make the best expression of what they want to do.

In the end I don’t have any techniques or tricks or advice that’s more meaningful or appropriate than the power and wisdom already within yourself.

Where I shine is supporting you bringing all your magic out into the world.

Let me show you what I mean—book a call and learn why I want to work with you.

“ The biggest transformation is I never worry anymore about, ‘am I going to the studio?’ or ‘am I finishing something?’ or ‘how many exhibitions do I do?’ Because it is just a fact of life now.

It's like, what I had as a child and lost in between, just fully accepted: I am an artist.”

Lea W. • Artist & Business Owner

Get fixed.

A real goose standing on a paved walkway looks down on a ceramic goose of the same size who's fallen over and had their little goose head break off.

Just kidding.

You're not broken, babe!

But maybe sometimes you feel like you are. I get it.

Even when intellectually we know we're whole and complete, there's a million messages floating around this imperialist, settler-colonial, capitalist society telling us we're not enough….

That voice that sees how divinely unique and valuable you are, it’s already in you.

It’s that part of you that has a direct line to your creativity and intuition — the one that knows what you're meant to do with your one, fantastic life here.

Maybe it gets buried in the bull shit of weird memories, inner critics, outer critics, ads, trauma, self-doubt, grief, the white supremacist patriarchy and whatever the fuck else is out here drowning out your inner magic.

But it's still there. Resilient af.

And that's where I come in.

Coaching isn't about how to be better at life or art—it's a system of reflection for how to be better at being yourself. (Which is the truest formula for success, cheesy as it sounds.) By reflecting all the thoughts and experiences popping up your head back to you, you get to choose what thoughts and beliefs you *want* to invest in. And fuck the rest. It gives you stunning clarity and focus on how you want to make your goals a reality.

Do you *need* me to get in touch with your authentic self? I mean, no, of course not. Haven't you been reading? All the magic is already in YOU. I can't add anything. In the end I don’t have any techniques or tricks or advice that’s more meaningful or appropriate than the power and wisdom already within yourself.

BUT: Working with me is one very soft and gentle way through the emotionally-charged web of building self-trust.

It's having a personal librarian for how to safely challenge roadblocks that go up when you move away from the hurtful or sticky habitual stuff.

It’s a loving accountability when you commit to be truer to yourself.

If that sounds like the journey you want to be on, book a time to talk to me:

Don't wait! Feel that energy? Move on it, babe.

This is where you come home to yourself.

About Sam.

About you.

Hey, it’s Sam Sundius.

I’m Sam! The artist & coach behind Art of Undiscipline. I’m also a writer, translator, opinion-haver, advocate, drinks specialist, sourdough starter starver, and person with too many houseplants. I’ve got more than a touch of the neurodivergents in me, as an autistic ADHDer (AuDHDer). I’m also a queer, chronically ill, disabled person and estranger. A Sam of many hats, to be sure.

What I’m not is someone who has everything figured out (lol). But that’s why I’m good at this—

Coaching (like life) is not about nailing a thing down or linear progression or some external idea of “fixed” or “successful” or “healthy” look like—it’s about finding joy in being our most human and feeling selves. You can reach your most ambitious goals. You can also embrace your most vulnerable and flawed self. In fact, it kind of takes both anyway.

Wanna learn more about me?

Talk to me.

Mia interviews me on Share the Load podcast

Why “Undiscipline”?

What I get out of coaching:


Working with incredible artists & creators, I am constantly reminded that my best work & yours are inextricably linked


I am humbled by the fact that I have no (zero, rien, none) actual advice to give. I don’t have a single thing fully figured out and I don’t have to. (And neither do you.)


Witnessing you find your way—through confusion and the stress of practicing leaving self doubts at the door—it’s hella inspiring. It helps me be gentler with myself, to rest more & operate out of desire rather than obligation


Witnessing you connecting to your energy & power, energizes the fuck out of me & gives me endless hope in the future

Hello, you.

You’re a creative, sensitive, analytical type. A pragmatic free spirit—simultaneously strategic and spontaneous. You probably identify as neurodivergent, queer, disabled but maybe not (or not yet). In any case, you’re not buying the status quo mainstream society seems to be selling (even though you’re probably burnt out from the years you spent trying to).

You have this deep belief in your wild and unique brain that doesn’t always get reflected in how you move through the world. You can’t make sense of all the “self-sabotage” or why you seem to be moving further from your goals rather than closer to them. You remember so clearly that time when your were deeply connected to your intuition and sense of adventure—but you’re not totally sure where that creative juice went or how to get back to it.

You want a BIG CHANGE. At the same time, you know you don’t need saving or preaching or advice. Just a direction to commit to—something that resonates with every fiber of your core and pulls you into a passionate embrace with the future…

What YOU get out of coaching:


You get really clear on your goals and intentions, which makes realizing them just, like, inevitable.


You get to hear your dreams mirrored back to you and give them a resounding FUCK, YES, I WANT THAT!


You also get to hear your fears and limiting beliefs mirrored back, and you get support in letting them go (or at least letting them exist in fewer places).


You get to experience the PURE JOY of standing in your power as an imperfect & complete human. Just as you are.

Not “after—” or “when—”

All that fleeting pride and self-love become permanent house guests. (Get cozy, friends.)

Ready to get started?

“ I signed on thinking that coaching meant working on my website.... 6 months later, Sam & I were discussing rewiring my neural pathways & managing moments when my overwhelm came out swinging.

We worked on growing my self-trust, which I realized was the thing I needed to level-up on all those months before. ”

Caroline A. • Author & Independent Editor