The first step to working with me one-on-one is to book a call.

It’s a chance for us to meet and chat and make sure everything’s a good fit before moving forward. Plus, it’s a fun taste of great things to come.

We’ll talk about what you’re looking to get from coaching, how I can support you on your journey, and what a coaching commitment looks like.

What does working with a coach look like?

Different coaches set up their practices different ways. For the work I do, I like to work with clients within a six-month container. It gives a chance to get to know each other and to structure the goals and challenges you want to take on. Also, importantly, it offers us a bridge over what might be challenging or seemingly slow sessions that are just a part of the formula of transformation.

I support clients getting where they want to go (or figuring out where they want to go) by reflecting your thoughts and words back to you. This is how you choose alignment in your actions and weed out inconsistencies in how you’re showing up for yourself (what we often call “self-sabotage,” though I’m not a fan of that term). This is where the magic is—how you find what you want, on your terms. It’s what I mean when I say it’s about YOU and your inner knowing, rather than any advice or opinion I have about what you should want or do.

To support this journey, we’ll also use somatic practices—tuning into your body and nervous system—to make sure that you grow into your goals feeling safe and grounded. And we’ll plot how to organize your environment so you save more of your energy and brain-space for the juicy work you want to be doing. (An especially game-changing tactic for ADHDers and other neurospicies!)

What if I want to work with you longer than 6 months?

I’ll be thrilled to have you! I have a number of clients who bookend 6-month commitments with me so there’s no interruption in our work. Holding the 6-month container, though, allows us to reassess goals and direction and gives us important markers for how far you’ve come.

Can I come see you in person?

Nope :) All of our sessions are held virtually. I have Long Covid and am immunocompromised so online coaching is an easy way to help keep us both safe. Also, being autistic and disabled, I rely on the flexibility of virtual meetings so I can offer my best, most rested, and supported self to clients when we’re in-session.

If you don’t have a license, how do I know the parameters of this relationship?

Just because my practice doesn’t fall into a traditional structure, doesn’t mean I can’t give you a crystal clear idea of what to expect! I require all clients to sign an agreement about what to expect in each six-month commitment. This agreement outlines what our relationship is—and what it isn’t. This means you get an overview of our commitments to each other before we even start working together, including what you need to know about confidentiality, what’s included in your coaching package, and literally everything else I could think of. Here’s an example of an agreement to give you an idea. And if there’s something you want to know that isn’t in the agreement, you can just ask!

What if it’s not a good fit?

If it’s not a good fit after the initial call, I can give you some guidance or coaching on what a better fit might look like, or we can just wish each other well and move on with our days. Know that I won’t hold in a space you don’t choose to be in and I also won’t just bail on you if you’re struggling. That’s not what this space is about.

What about cost? Where can I find what you charge?

I offer dynamic pricing, designed to fit a balance of financial accessibility and challenging assumptions about what we can afford to spend on ourselves. There’s healing power in stretching our beliefs on what we can afford. Clients often find it transformative to meet me at my quoted price—in what they can afford, what they can spend on themselves, and what they can charge for their own phenomenal work. I hold these benefits simultaneously with the realities of economic access we don’t get to “mindset” out of. All that in mind, much better for us to talk it out and find the best fit instead of posting a static price here!

What if I’m not ready to invest yet?

If you’ve had coaching on your mind but you’re not sure if the timing is right, book a time to talk with me anyway. I can support you getting clear on what you want from coaching and how might be able to tell when the time is right in the future. I promise not to pressure you into anything and to be sensitive to any anxiety or nervous system activation that might be coming up for you.

In the meantime, take advantage of my coaching newsletter, THE PULL, where I share lots of juicy thoughts on navigating this world as a squishy, organic, bad ass human being.

Ready for the next step? Book your call today.